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Captain Jack Sparrow Caribbean Pirate Cutlass... (nr aukcji: 10950818)

Captain Jack Sparrow Caribbean Pirate Cutlass... Wyświetleń: 648 razy Informacje podstawowe

  • Towar:Nowy

  • Ilość sztuk:1 z 1

  • Lokalizacja:Ostrów Wlkp..., Wielkopolskie

  • Koszt przesyłki pokrywa:Kupujący
Opłata z góry

  • Przesyłka kurierska18,00 zł

Cena:  212,10 zł
AUKCJA ZAKOŃCZONA( 2016-06-22 18:05:00)
Zamówienie z obowiązkiem zapłaty


Opis do aukcji

Captain Jack Sparrow Caribbean Pirate Cutlass Sword
You can't sail the high seas without this pirate blade! This is a high quality piece with a custom made scabbard is sure to turn heads. With a highly detailed engraving on the unique basket shell guard this sword is truly one of a kind. It measures 29" in overall length with a 22" blade.

Captain Jack Sparrow Caribbean Pirate Cutlass Sword

Captain Jack Sparrow Caribbean Pirate Cutlass Sword

You can't sail the high seas without this pirate blade! This is a high quality piece with a custom made scabbard is sure to turn heads. With a highly detailed engraving on the unique basket shell guard this sword is truly one of a kind. It measures 29" in overall length with a 22"...

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Captain Jack Sparrow Caribbean Pirate Cutlass...

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